At least 123 legislative proposals concerning ballot initiatives, veto referendums, referrals, local ballot measures, and recall were introduced.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
What Does Ranked Voting Tell Us?
Ranked voting election results reveal little about voter desires. Consider a ranked voting result in a race between four candidates.
Louisiana Bill For Semi-Closed Primaries For Congress
Louisiana introduced SB 235. It would change Louisiana elections for congress, providing that parties would have nominees for Congress.
What Would Proportional Representation Look Like In The US?
What would happen if the United States adopted a proportional representation election system for the executive and legislative branches?
Time Has Come For Nonpartisan State Election Leadership
Non-partisan state election leadership should be implemented. Secretaries of State currently run elections but belong to political parties.
Bipartisan Wisconsin Proposal To Switch To Final-Five Voting System
Wisconsin bipartisan coalition proposed the final-five voting system, saying current voting system worsens partisanship, blocks compromise.
Time to get MO!
The MO is what you most desire, what you most want. Not “you” personally, but “you” collectively. It is what the group, the team, the nation most desires.
Is Ranked Voting A Better Way To Run Connecticut Elections?
A bill is currently being introduced in Connecticut that would establish a task force to research ranked-choice voting in the state.
How Alaska And Maine Lead The Way For Ranked Voting
A type of electoral reform, ranked voting, has gained momentum in the iconoclastic states of Maine and Alaska may be spreading worldwide.
Two Ways Politicians Are Making It Harder To Pass Ballot Initiatives
Politicians are making it more difficult to vote. 24 states have adopted legislation to make it more harder to pass ballot initiatives.