We couldn’t do this without your support. On that note, we’ll be visiting several cities across the US in the coming months, and we want to meet with you while we’re there!
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
Joining St. Louis Approves to Advance Approval Voting Campaign
After a landslide victory bringing approval voting to its first U.S. city in 2018, The Center for Election Science has joined to advance an initiative to bring approval voting to voters in St. Louis.
Utah Considers Switch To Runoff, Ranked Or Even Jungle Primaries
Primary elections in Utah could change significantly as state lawmakers consider ways to deal with concerns about winners advancing .
Deadline Looms For Albuquerque Ranked Choice Voting Push
Albuquerque could be the next city to adopt new way of voting in municipal elections, looming deadline doesn’t leave enough time to make it happen.
Two Utah Cities Confirmed to Use Ranked Choice Voting
Vineyard committed to sticking with the program at its council meeting Wednesday night, with lower costs and a shorter campaign period factoring in.
Town of Easthampton, Massachusetts Eyes Switch to Ranked Voting
More than 20 years after changing to a city form of government, Easthampton officials are considering extending the mayor’s term from two to four years.
Can Sports Show The Way To Smarter Voting?
Electoral reform is coming to America. This year in MLB, a simple first-past-the-post voting system will no longer determine all-star starters.
Odds Against Maine Amendment Expanding Ranked Voting
Odds are stacked against proposed constitutional amendment to expand Maine’s system that allows voters to rank candidates from first to last on the ballot.
About The Select Committee On The Modernization Of Congress
The Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress has the best opportunity in decades to bring the House into the 21st Century.
Maine Considers Switch From Caucus To Presidential Primary System
Maine’s political parties could ditch their presidential caucuses next year if a bill establishing a primary system is passed by the state legislature.