Umar Madi is among more than 300 election officials who have reportedly died of exhaustion-related illnesses which has led to talks on reform.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
Switzerland’s Open-Air Voting Is Now Streamed Online
Switzerland’s open air voting is one of the oldest and simplest forms of direct democracy and it’s called “Landsgemeinde” is now streamed online.
Coin Flip Determines Winner Of Election In Chicago Suburb
A toss of an 1899 silver dollar decided a tie Tuesday in an election for trustee in Sauk Village. The winner Gary Bell had called tails.
Ranked Choice Voting Proposed By NYC Charter Commission
The 2019 City Charter Commission issued its preliminary staff report Tuesday, with recommendations for revisions to the city charter.
Colorado Tried A New Way To Vote: Make People Pay, Quadratically
In a modified version of quadratic voting, Colorado legislators each got 100 virtual tokens to buy votes on a number of measures.
2 Cities To Participate In Utah’s Ranked Choice Voting Experiment
With a Monday deadline, it appears only two cities in Utah have signed up to participate in the ranked choice voting experiment.
Tennessee Bill Would Allow Some Local Instant Runoff Voting
A proposal to let Tennessee’s four biggest cities decide whether to allow instant runoff voting in local nonpartisan contests is advancing.
Utah Cities Backing Out of Plans to Use Ranked Voting
At least half the Utah cities that were planning to pilot a new voting method are backing out ahead of their 2019 municipal elections.
New San Francisco Voting System Allows 10 Ranked Choices
San Francisco’s Department of Elections is planning to embark on marketing blitz starting this summer to get word out about changes to city’s voting system.
Ranked Choice Voting On The Rise Throughout The United States
Ranked choice voting is on the rise throughout the United States. Listen to Rick Pearson talk to President/CEO of FairVote, Rob Richie.