Over the last decade, many national governments have looked trapped. One factor was the austerity that followed the financial crisis.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
New Hampshire Legislature May Still Pass Ranked Choice Voting Bill
A change to ranked voting and away from the universally used plurality voting system is being considered now in New Hampshire.
Washington State Legislature Considering Ranked Choice Voting
Rep. Brian Blake, D-Aberdeen, is co-sponsoring a bill that gives counties, cities, towns and other municipalities an option to use “ranked choice voting.”
Ranked Choice Voting Has Bitten the Big Apple
The 2019 NYC Charter Commission, tasked with revising and updating the city’s laws, is considering implementing RCV in citywide municipal elections.
Bill to Permit Ranked Choice Voting Fails in Virginia Senate
Efforts by a local legislator, Sen. Adam Ebbin to allow “ranked-choice” (or “instant-runoff”) voting in local elections has died in state Senate committee.
UT-Austin Joins 50+ Student Governments Using Ranked Voting
College campuses feature prominently among the growing ranks of institutions embracing RCV, with UT-Austin is the latest universities to adopt RCV.
The Limits of Ranked Choice Voting
It’s important to not oversell the benefits of Ranked Choice Voting, which many outlets are doing. Overselling RCV can create unrealistic expectations and sour voters to other alternative voting methods.
Maine Group Looks to Expand Ranked-Choice Voting to More Races
LWV hopes to have a constitutional amendment passed that would allow for future Maine governor and legislative races to appear on a ranked-choice ballot.
Maine Bill Proposes Demoting Ranked Voting for a Top-Two System
Ranked choice voting would still be used in the primary, but not in the general election. Write-in space would be eliminated in the general election.
Ranked or Approval Voting for New Hampshire Presidential Primaries?
Harvard law professor Larry Lessig has been in New Hampshire often enough for political advocacy that he knows what will get lawmakers’ attention here.