Thousands of documents show that commission’s work was driven by a small number of members who were convinced voter fraud was widespread.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
What Made America Great? A Postwar Monopoly On Un-bombed Factories!
Voters in virtually all democracies (in Europe, Asia, and North America) use primitive single-mark ballots, which only allow a voter to mark a single choice. Ideally a voter should be allowed to mark a 1-2-3 ballot.
Using Ranked Choice Voting For President Can Save America
Let’s keep advocating for systems like Instant Runoff Voting and Ranked Choice Voting, so that we the voters have the tools to truly pick better candidates, especially when the two dominant parties are not offering us candidates we want to vote for.
It Seems the Californian Top-Two Voting System Reduced Turnout
As the biggest state in the country, the methodology California uses to elect its representatives is vitally important to democracy in America. The very fact that such fundamental dials in our democracy are being played with is enough.
VIDEO: How Election Officials Can Manage Ranked Choice Voting
A nationwide battle to push for use of ranked choice voting is underway and the first shots have already been let loose
VIDEO: Towards a New York City instant runoff voting system
Campaign aimed at fixing New York City elections by instituting an instant runoff voting system and dumping plurality
WEBINAR: The Author of California’s Top-Two System Wants Changes
Two of the leading experts on the California’s top-two system of voting recently went head-to-head in debate
One Person, One Volunteer, One Better Way to Vote
What a long strange trip it has been. I am still happily shocked that the people of Maine have now spoken via the ballot, twice, to insist that We the People are indeed in charge. Let’s hope our Representatives now represent us.
Jennifer Lawrence Joins Maine’s Ranked Choice Voting Push
Last week, Maine’s Ranked Choice Voting campaign found an unlikely ally: Katniss Everdeen
80,000 Hours Podcast: Join the Voting Method Revolution
I had the pleasure of sitting down with Robert Wiblin of 80,000 Hours to talk about The Center for Election Science and voting methods. Like many 80,000 Hours interviews—which is a great podcast to listen to in general—this interview was long and detailed.