McGhee and Shor revolutionized the way we measure redistricting, they now take on top-two voting
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
Moving Towards a South Dakota Top-Two Voting System
South Dakota may hold a referendum on starting a top-two election system like California has
The Success of Malta’s Ranked Choice Voting System
Ranked voting has been in place in Malta since 1921 and its benefits have been plain to see
Key Republican Slams Californian Top-Two Election System
One time supporter of top two wonders if the new system harmed chances for Republicans in California
WATCH: Computer Graphics Show Best Voting Methods
The data point to one voting method that outshines the other three we looked at: Star Voting
New Connecticut Ranked Voting System Fails to Advance
Ranked voting just one type of election reform that failed to pass through Connecticut legislature
Maine Attorney General Suggests Ranked Choice Voting Compromise
The battle over instituting a Maine ranked choice voting continues as compromise is on the docket
Political Scientist Ranks State Political Polarization in Detail
California is fingered as the second most politicized legislature in the country in unique ranking system
Effort to Kill the Utah Caucus Voting System is Underway
The voters of Utah County have a unique opportunity to ‘drain their swamp’ by calling for investigations
The Utah Caucus Voting System is Under Assault
Leadership has violated trust and compromised the very integrity of the Utah caucus system