Socialist candidate label is subject of controversy amid California top-two ballot system for elections
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
Is America’s 229 Year-Old Constitution Outdated?
Many commentators and experts in other internationally proven options find the Constitution outdated
Measuring Spoiler Effect of Third Parties in 2016 Vote
Due to the nature of our election laws, third party candidates battle the spoiler effect label against Trump and Clinton
Michigan Straight-Ticket Voting Survives the Supreme Court
One of a kind straight-ticket device used in Michigan elections moves on to its next legal challenges
Experts Take Aim at California’s Top-Two System
What progress if any has been made during the switch to California’s top-two system for primaries?
Arizona Hybrid City Elections Survive Court Challenge
Experimental process of hybrid city elections in Tucson, Arizona plays with the nominating process
Michigan Straight Ticket Voting System Kept Off Ballot
Citizens will be not be able to use the Michigan straight ticket voting tool to select one party across ballot
Considering a Epistocracy Instead of Democracy
An epistocracy would involve giving different voters more weight during elections based on certain criteria
Failed Political Polling Mirrors Our Broken System
This will be the first time Americans will have the opportunity to see how meaningful alternative voting methods can be. And it will be within the context of an election they can relate to.
Washington Top-Two System Blamed For Election Mess
State’s Republicans are benefiting from Washington top-two system for primaries causing Democrat uproar