When a candidate takes office without a majority vote the question is whether the outcome could be different if narrowed to two frontrunners.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
Mock M&M Election Teaches Alaskans About Ranked Voting
There are paper cups with eight different kinds of M&M near the entrance to Amalga Distillery in Juneau for a mock ranked choice vote.
San Diego Considers Ranked Choice Voting For City Elections
Except in contests with at least six candidates, the plan would remove the primary. Only November polls would be held in races with less.
Deep-Red Utah Embraced Voting By Mail. Then Came 2020
Utah is the second-most Republican state. The state had embraced mail voting but things have changed somewhat as from 2020.
A Critique Of California’s Ballot Designation Statute
While the language of the ballot designation statute has stayed unmuted, it has become vehicle for politicians to reach out to voters.
Why Hand-Counting Ballots Is Such A Bad Idea
Hand-counting ballots is not a good idea. Voting machines are safe and accurate, notably when combined with audits to check accuracy.
Virginia’s Risk-Limiting Audit Bill Applauded
The bills create a best practices framework for Virginia’s post-election audits that requires audits to be done before results are certified.
Almost 25,000 Mail-In Ballots Were Rejected In Texas
A total of 24,636 mail ballots were rejected across Texas during the primary of March 1 according to the Secretary of State’s office.
The Case For Abolishing The Electoral College
The Electoral College is in part to blame for the deep challenges American democracy has faced in recent years, notably in 2020, article.
Bill Easing Access To Connecticut Absentee Voting Passes
The bill that would allow out-of-town commuters and caretakers to vote by absentee ballot won passage in the Connecticut Senate.