Bernie Sanders is unhappy with widespread use of Microsoft voting app in Iowa caucus
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
How the Iowa Caucuses Work
The unusual process behind Iowa Caucuses holds enormous power within America’s Presidential vote
Changing How You Get on the South Dakota Ballot
Is this the end of the petition signature requirement for all South Dakota ballot applications?
Rush to Decide is Harming Canadian Election Reform
Perhaps something so important should take time, argue opponents of Canadian election reform
How Should They Organize the Somali Presidential Election?
Years of conflict mean decision on how to run the Somali Presidential election is very important
Moving Towards South Carolina Judicial Election System
Proposed bill would create a system where judges compete for South Carolina judicial election
Trudeau’s Proportional Representation Promise
At The Center for Election Science, we’ve consistently spoken out against first-past-the-post, also known as the choose-one plurality voting method. And proportional representation deserves to be a part of that conversation.
Ohio Reveals Growing Green Party Approval Voting Support
Ohio Green Party approval voting supporters win use of election method for choosing president
Considering Various Proposals For Top-Two Voting Systems
Debate on the viability of Top-Two voting systems continues across multiple state legislatures
65 State and Local Officials Fell to 2015 Recall Election Trend
More politicians are destined to fall this year as recall election trend spreads to new locales