If there are too many parties many of which with a parity of political power than government can be made so indecisive as to be ineffective.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
DC Exclusive: Table of Election Method Properties and Criteria
First-of-a-kind table compares voting systems by properties and criteria for the benefit of the election method reform community and the wider public.
Direct Democracy or Representative Democracy: Which is Best?
Is This What Democracy Looks Like? The oft-ignored consequences of direct democracy: The absolute power is already in the hands of the voters.
California and Washington May End Top Two Primaries
Both California and Washington may end Top Two primaries system set up before last election
How to Move Society Towards Direct Democracy
Direct democracy is possible if the American people engage the tough issues and build consensus that deliberation and debate are central to everything we do
Ranked Choice Voting Advocate Decries ‘Lesser Evils’
Ranked choice voting advocate says that election method reforms are underappreciated cure all
Closer Look at the Center for Election Science
Center for Election Science: Center is one of few nonprofits in U.S. that focus on voting methods
Strategic Clone Nomination in 2012 Presidential Election?
Plurality has clone nomination split-vote problem when there are several identical candidates
Did Washington Top-Two Primaries Hurt Women, Minorities?
State of Washington top-two primaries hurt vulnerable minorities and independent women candidates
On Citizen Competence and Democratic Institutions
Direct democracy has been a dream for millennium but are democratic institution in the United States ready?