A choose-one approach would cause respondents to focus on electability rather than the candidates themselves. Viability is never an issue when deciding whether to approve your favorite candidate in approval voting.
Green Party News articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Green Party news section covers the premier environmentally-focused American political party. The Greens, like their international brethren, are based on the principles of Green politics of social justice, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, and environmentalism. Many Green Parties exist around the world although are mostly unaffiliated with each other. The dominant Green Party in America is officially titled the Green Party USA. Also see our Green Party page and Third Party Central.
Push, Pull, Pivot: On Electoral Strategy
There is no threat of exit without somewhere to exit to. It is, after all, what we do that matters, not what the politicians or candidates do. Consider adopting the strategic sense of Martin Luther King.
VIDEO: Green Party Convention Focuses on Approval Voting
Center For Election Science presents hour long talk on approval voting at Green Party Convention
Parties Want a More Proportional British Election System
Green Party and the anti-EU UK Independence Party seeking a much more proportional British vote
The Ties that Binds Us: Lesser of Two Evils
While the leading segments of the labor and social movements often employ all sorts of creative and inspiring tactics and campaigns and can master hard-knuckle negotiations with the boss, their electoral programs lack innovation or forceful negotiations
Occupy Peace in Kingston, New York With Ralph Nader
Nader held up a flier of the Friends of Peace Pilgrim, Mildred Lisette Norman, who walked all over the country more than once, slept on people’s cots who now has people all over the country supporting her. She was killed by a car that hit her on the highway.
Every Four Years: Towards a Transformative Electoral Strategy
The people are the single most important part of the electoral system, not the party elites. But, if we continue to do what we have always done, we will just get more of what we have always gotten.
Setting the Rules For Californian Green Party Primary
State lawmakers to weigh in on new rules for Californian Green Party Presidential primary contest
Jill Stein Running For President on Green Party Ticket
Resurgent Green Party seeks national support with Dr. Jill Stein running as Presidential candidate
Revolution of Changes for Australia’s Green Party
Longtime leader’s resignation signals Australia’s Green Party new era in mandatory voting system