Coalition of Green, Libertarian, Constitution Parties fighting to be represented on Pennsylvania ballot
Green Party News articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Green Party news section covers the premier environmentally-focused American political party. The Greens, like their international brethren, are based on the principles of Green politics of social justice, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, and environmentalism. Many Green Parties exist around the world although are mostly unaffiliated with each other. The dominant Green Party in America is officially titled the Green Party USA. Also see our Green Party page and Third Party Central.
UPDATE: Democracy Chronicles’ Documentary Filming
Just recently we followed Lynne Syrpe, Green Party candidate for the New York City Council on her quest to represent Astoria, Queens. We filmed interviews with Syrpe, her campaign staff, and even followed her campaign on election day to get an inside view of third party campaigning
Green Party Candidate to Run for Ohio Governor
Third party candidates are picking up notable wins across the country as Green Party candidate to run for office in Ohio next despite normal challenges
Protests Seek Russia Release of 30 Greenpeace Activists
Thirty Greenpeace activists remain in Russia jails despite increasing condemnation internationally
Paul McCartney Vs. Vladimir Putin: Greenpeace Smackdown!
Superstar Beatle Paul McCartney calls for release of detained activists of Greenpeace held in Russia dictatorship prisons amid worldwide outcry
Greenpeace Activists Charged with Piracy, Sent to St. Petersburg
Russia’s increasing clampdown on protester’s rights such as Greenpeace makes the nation one of the most hostile countries to free press and political dissidents.
VIDEO: Green Party Smells Victory in Queens
Green Party smells victory and has a good chance of getting a solid win in Astoria, Queens
Piracy Charges Against Greenpeace Dropped
Russian authorities have dropped piracy charges against 30 Greenpeace activist but have kept “hooliganism” charges amid widespread public outcry
Billionaire Kochs to Profit From Keystone Pipeline
High profit from Keystone Pipeline will support companies of country’s biggest political donors
Russia Journalists Call for Greenpeace Activist’s Release
Russia rebuffs journalists call for Greenpeace activist’s release held in jails somewhere unknown