A new thirty-party poll on American political party platforms has recently been started at the Condorcet Internet Voting Service.
Green Party News articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Green Party news section covers the premier environmentally-focused American political party. The Greens, like their international brethren, are based on the principles of Green politics of social justice, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, and environmentalism. Many Green Parties exist around the world although are mostly unaffiliated with each other. The dominant Green Party in America is officially titled the Green Party USA. Also see our Green Party page and Third Party Central.
Green Brazil Activist Shakes-up Presidential Race
Green Brazil activist and environmental icon declares her crucial support for consolidating opposition to President Rouseff
Russia Dictatorship Target of Worldwide Greenpeace Protest
Russia detainment of activists sparks making dictatorship target of worldwide Greenpeace protest
Local Syracuse Green Party Fights for Debate Access
Upstate New York’s growing Syracuse Green Party battle for opportunity to debate Republocrat mayor
Monsanto Corporation in Rare Loss in Congress
Company is controversial leader of biotechnology industry but Monsanto Corporation in rare loss marks first Congress success for Anti-Monsanto Movement
New Congress Party – The New Third Party!
New Congress Party begins with two dozen demands supported by numerous online references for an immediate restructuring of government
Voting Strategy and Classification of Progressive Parties
An obvious and probably much better voting strategy for progressives and liberals within the inadequate current system of plurality elections
On Proportional Representation and Apportionment
The important thing is for people to freely vote their preferences among policies, parties and the parties’ candidates-Then the 99% can elect the government that it really wants
SURVEY: Paleoconservatives, Libertarians, Greens and Socialists Unite!
Paleoconservatives, Libertarians, Greens and Socialists: Tentative survey, the results can be used to help our nation
Introducing the Rising Rwandan Green Party
Tiny landlocked Africa nation has third political party with emergence of new Rwandan Green Party