The state of Pennsylvania will provide new voting systems using paper ballots by 2020 after controversial lawsuit by the Green Party is concluded.
Green Party News articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Green Party news section covers the premier environmentally-focused American political party. The Greens, like their international brethren, are based on the principles of Green politics of social justice, grassroots democracy, nonviolence, and environmentalism. Many Green Parties exist around the world although are mostly unaffiliated with each other. The dominant Green Party in America is officially titled the Green Party USA. Also see our Green Party page and Third Party Central.
What’s Next For Me After Running For Congress in Upstate New York
I decided to take my major campaign statements and explain them better in the form of a short book and I will begin a podcast series in January 2019. Yes, I am thinking about running for office again!
The Green Party Broke New Ground in 2018 Midterms
Two hundred and eighty-five candidates ran on the party line and twenty were elected. Checkout the preliminary results that have boosted party prospects.
Greens Claim GOP Stole Georgia Governor’s Election From Democrats
Georgia Green Party claims GOP stole governors election from democrats Stacey Abram by Republican Brian Kemp in a release of November 6th, 2018.
Green-Rainbow Party Wins Formal Recognition Massachusetts
The Green-Rainbow Party (GRP) statewide candidates earned enough votes to be formally recognized as an official party in the state of Massachusetts.
Green Party Responds To Fake Super-PAC Mailers
Our campaign does not accept any PAC, Super-PAC, or corporate contributions. The Green Party itself does not accept any corporate contributions.
My Election Day Thanks to Voters
Thank you all for so many kindnesses, for trusting me with your stories, and for sharing a vision of peacebuilding, social justice, a healthy environment and grassroots wisdom. Get out and vote!
Campaign Deceptively Urges Democrats to Vote for the Green Party
A Facebook page for a group called is running ads online urging progressives to vote for Green Party candidates in seven competitive races in the Midwest.
Democrats, Republicans Subverting Third-Party Spoilers
Third-party candidates tend to poll better than they actually perform on Election Day, when voters tend to revert to the two major parties.
Disability, Democracy and Mixed-Member Proportional Representation
New Zealand’s Mixed-Member Proportional election system would be good for disabled people in the United States because disability concerns could be heard in Congress more easily.