Coercion can be dealt with even if we legalize ballot selfies so let’s focus on other ways to protect the vote
Journalism and Free Speech articles on Democracy Chronicles
A basic necessity in a democratic society, is journalism and free speech play a central role in creating a system of checks and balance, and in distributing power equally between governments, businesses, individuals, and other social entities. Access to verifiable information gathered by independent media sources, which adhere to journalistic standards, can also be of service to ordinary citizens, by empowering them with the tools they need in order to participate in the political process. Also see our articles on Civil Rights.
New Algorithm Designed to Fight Social Media Propaganda
University of Texas at San Antonio created a method to battle type of social media propaganda known as astroturfing
VIDEO: Saturday Night Live as Effective Political Satire
Since ancient times, individuals have resisted dictatorship and repression using very effective political satire
It’s Time to End the Selfie Voting Booth Ban
Although seemingly an innocuous practice, a very interesting and modern discussion on election law has been ignited that touches on issues of new technologies, privacy, voter intimidation, free speech and more
States That Made Ballot Selfies Illegal Struggle to Enforce
Many states made ballot selfies illegal over fear they could be used for a new kind of fraud, but trouble persists
Time For Scrutiny of Journalist Political Donations?
Transparency is a good start but leftward tilt of journalist political donations is drawing concern
How Bob Dylan’s Lyrics Have Influenced Judicial Opinions
Study called ‘The Freewheelin’ Judiciary: A Bob Dylan Anthology’ looks at how Bob Dylan’s lyrics have entered legal realm
International Election Monitors in US to Watch the Vote
Obama has invited international election monitors to observe the voting process to normalize practice
Does Increased Internet Usage Decrease Voter Turnout
The study done by Dr. Heblich of the University of Bristol’s Economics department, has shown that an increase in information on the internet and the increase in consumption has created a “crowding out effect” for voters.
What’s at Stake in the Latest FEC Censorship Battle
Recent tied vote leaves old system of FEC censorship in place to include regulations on books and movies