American Libertarian Party continues to notch up impressive legal wins including a recent Virginia ballot access complaint
Libertarian Party articles on Democracy Chronicles
The Libertarian Party shares a set of related political philosophies that uphold liberty as the highest political end such as individual liberty and political freedom. It is the third largest party by membership in the United States. Our Libertarian Party page is a great place for more information and you can check out our Green Party and Justice Party pages as well. Also see our articles on Anarchism, Capitalism, and Socialism. Perhaps even look at our articles on Big Government.
Libertarian Politician Arrested at Pot Rally
New Jersey Senate candidate and Libertarian politician arrested but holds true to his small government libertarian principals through protest
Libertarians in Court Over Michigan Ballot Access
Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson still fighting Michigan ballot access battles
Libertarian Senate Candidate Publicly Smokes Pot
New Jersey Libertarian candidate publicly smokes pot in public park in protest before his arrest
Can Libertarians Win Over Republicans?
Small government Libertarians win over Republicans with call to reform GOP statist social policies
Libertarian Party Gains Traction on Economic Issues
Gaining support ideologically and at ballot box, Libertarian Party gains traction on the campaign
Rand Paul Intends to Run for President in 2016
Conservative libertarian Rand Paul intends to run for President like his father Ron before him
Libertarian Group Releases Freedom Index of States
Libertarian freedom index of states looks at democracy, civil liberties but also economic freedoms
Is Rand Paul Too Radical for National Elections?
Paul’s father Ron had die hard followers to libertarianism but is Rand Paul too radical for GOP
NYU Psychologist: Libertarians Have Tolerance to Disgust
New research is showing that tolerance to disgust is strong predictor of political tendencies