Both presidential and vice presidential nominees will be at the Libertarian Town Hall on Wednesday
Libertarian Party articles on Democracy Chronicles
The Libertarian Party shares a set of related political philosophies that uphold liberty as the highest political end such as individual liberty and political freedom. It is the third largest party by membership in the United States. Our Libertarian Party page is a great place for more information and you can check out our Green Party and Justice Party pages as well. Also see our articles on Anarchism, Capitalism, and Socialism. Perhaps even look at our articles on Big Government.
The First-Ever Florida Third Party Primary
The insurgent Libertarian Party will hold the first Florida third party primary for President
US Libertarians Gather For Porcupine Freedom Festival
Billed as the largest gathering of Libertarians in the world, the Porcupine Freedom Festival is underway
The Libertarian Party Plan For Marijuana Regulation
Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson outlines plans for marijuana regulation
Libertarian Party Support is Surging in Polls
Although the Libertarian Party may barely crack double digits at 10.0%- 15.0%, those votes may prove crucial if the vote is close. This is another voice at the table.
Libertarian Presidential Candidate Polling in Double-Digits
Trump and Clinton may have a lot to fear from Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson
Illinois Libertarian Win Opens Door to Ballot Improvements
Ballot access court win could be big news for Illinois Libertarian Party and other third parties
An Arkansas Libertarian Party Ballot Access Loss
A court case is latest chapter in the Arkansas Libertarian Party’s attempt to gain ballot access
VIDEO: Watch the Libertarian Presidential Debate
The Alabama and Mississippi chapters hosted a very civilized Libertarian Presidential Debate
Democrat Jim Webb Looks to Independent Presidential Bid
Independent run for President by Jim Webb increasingly likely despite weakness of Democratic bid