We can probably expect Lockheed Martin and other “merchants of death” to continue profiting from war at the public’s expense
Political Lobbying articles on Democracy Chronicles
Political lobbying is a legal practice of petitioning the government enshrined in the Constitution but has been supersized in the modern era by well-financed lobbies having outsized impact on government decision making. Efforts to highlight and correct the oversized impact that the powerful few have over government will be highlighted in this section. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics.
Goldman Sachs Trying To Kill Lobbying Disclosure Initiative
Amid intensifying shareholder pressure on companies to be more transparent about their political spending, Goldman Sachs has moved to prevent its shareholders from voting to force executives to disclose their efforts to influence politicians, according to corporate documents reviewed by International Business Times. The banking behemoth, which has been boosted by taxpayer-financed bailouts and has […]
Washington State Amtrak Crash: Is Corporate lobby money to blame?
The Washington State Amtrak derailment in Washington state, killing least three people, was easily avoidable
How the Pharmaceutical Industry Invests Millions in Lobbying and Bribes
The industry trade group enjoyed a 25 percent increase in revenues in 2016 – and “invested” almost $60 million
How Lobbying Has Changed Under the Trump Administration
When Republicans unveil the final $1.4 trillion tax bill negotiated between House and Senate conferees on Friday, they will be unveiling what could be the final shape of the nation’s future tax code, a code that has been largely shaped by lobbyists. More than half of Washington’s 10,963 registered lobbyists have worked on tax reform […]
To Avoid Courts, Big Corporations Pay Lobbyists for Results
An October study examined the relationship between corporations’ lobbyist payments and their employee litigation records.
Saudi Lobbyists Win Billion Dollar Arms Deals in Congress
The Saudi Arabian-led war with Yemen has been raging for more than two years, with massive loss of life and humanitarian impact on the Yemeni side. Nonetheless, the United States continues to support the Saudi coalition through arms sales and military logistics support. Two multi-billion dollar deals were secured for Saudi allies Bahrain and the […]
Exposing the Dark Money Group Backing the Health Care Bill
A secretive nonprofit closely linked to House Speaker Paul Ryan has been playing a pivotal role
Are Military Lobbyists Now in Charge of Foriegn Policy?
A new advisory panel has been tasked with streamlining the procurement process
How Big Pharma and Insurance Lobbies Influenced GOP’s Health Bill
U.S. senators from both sides of the aisle have lambasted Republicans for conducting secret meetings