Lobbying has a bad name and writer is taking suggestions for ideas to rebrand political lobbying
Political Lobbying articles on Democracy Chronicles
Political lobbying is a legal practice of petitioning the government enshrined in the Constitution but has been supersized in the modern era by well-financed lobbies having outsized impact on government decision making. Efforts to highlight and correct the oversized impact that the powerful few have over government will be highlighted in this section. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics.
Big Donors Dominate National Election Fundraising
Millions of dollars flowing to national election fundraising in massive donations from individuals
NSA Spying Solution to be Determined by Campaign Donations
Big money spent on election donations likely to determine fate of NSA spying solution controversy
Who Spends the Most on Buying NJ Politicians?
List of major campaign cash donors brings some surprising revelations on how money is buying NJ politicians for their influence on public decisions
Entertainment Industry Lobbying Spends Major Cash
Tech companies and entertainment industry lobbying heavily and deeply involved in government
Who Are the Most Corrupt in Congress?
New Yorker and Republican Congressional representatives stand out in most corrupt in Congress list
Defense Industry Lobbies for Syria War
Military contractors of all sorts spend lavishly on politicians supports and lobbies for Syria War
Profile of Most Powerful Lobbyist in New Jersey
Ex-tobacco company exec now is most powerful lobbyist operation in New Jersey’s murky system
Half of Senators Become Lobbyists After Retirement
It is now a majority of Senators who leave government for lucrative lobbying jobs. Do You Approve When Your Senators Become Lobbyists After Retirement?
Interview with Jon Ogden from Too Big Has Failed
Jon Ogden is the founder of TooBigHasFailed.org a website dedicated to educating the public about the corrupt practices of the big Wall Street banks