Howard Schultz has formally dropped out of the presidential race although he had suspended his potential independent run several months ago.
American Local Elections articles on Democracy Chronicles
American local elections like county and city government elections are true laboratories of democracy. A surprising number of the laws that manage American elections are decided locally. So get involved wherever you are to build a better democracy. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on American State Elections.
Why Maine’s Governor will delay action on Ranked Choice Voting
Gov. Janet Mills said Friday she would delay action on a bill passed by Maine lawmakers last month to expand ranked-choice voting to presidential elections.
California brief asserts requiring tax returns disclosure not a qualification
August 6 California Sec. of State filed brief in federal lawsuits over new California law on presidential tax returns. The brief is an important read.
Slowing job growth raises 2020 stakes for Trump
An underwhelming August jobs report is adding to fears of an economic slowdown, raising the stakes for President Trump’s reelection bid.
Report: Summer 2019 Election Law Round-Up
Report looks at several of the latest rulings by New York courts concerning limitations on the public’sinvolvement in elections and electoral fraud.
Fear of a race without a finish line as States upgrade election equipment
With five months before primary season begins,State election officials around the country are busy upgrading voting equipment notably through new purchases.
The 10 counties that will decide the 2020 election
Years after presidential election, Democrats and Republicans are eyeing a much larger battlefield ahead of the 2020 contests.
Technology and Presidential Primary Campaigns
2018 Pew poll found 77 percent of Americans would support laws to restrict the total amount of campaign spending for spending caps crosses partisan lines.
2020 electoral contest risks taking place on a narrow political base
Political division, voters hardened and resistant to change constitute a recipe for a 2020 general election that could be contested on a narrow base.
Alaska Attorney General: Initiative for Top-Four Violates Single Subject Rule
The Alaska Attorney General ruled that a statewide initiative that is being circulated violates the same-subject rule, and is therefor invalid.