Prime Minister successfully changes rules to get third term and allow himself to stay in power
Middle East articles on Democracy Chronicles
View news about the struggle for democracy in the troubled Middle East where vast cultural change and persistent political violence cry out for democracy. Also see our World Democracy section and our articles on the ongoing Arab Spring.
Thousands Rally for Bahrain Democracy Movement
Arab Spring reignites as thousands call rally for Bahrain democracy peacefully in main cities
Democratic World is Wrong to Pick Sides in Egypt
Pick Sides in Egypt: Morsi coup may have prevented a dictator but democracy should not be abandoned in Egypt
Syria Refugees Pouring Into Iraq’s Anbar and Kurdistan
In dramatic turn, Syria refugees pouring into Iraq only years after the flow had gone other way
Bahrain Democracy Movement Reignites in Protests
Wealthy dictatorship of minority Sunnis send police to repress Bahrain democracy gatherings
She’s Just Too Gorgeous for Government Work
It is believed that ravishing Iranian beauty is so attractive that religious authorities in Iranian dictatorship have said she’s just too gorgeous for serving in government office
Dictatorship Using Ballistic Missiles on Syria Civilians
VIDEO: Massive toll as dictatorship targeting ballistic missiles on Syria civilian population
How an American Soccer Coach Has Become Diplomat
Bob Bradley an American professional soccer coach has become diplomat after leading Egypt national soccer during times of epic turmoil and controversy
Yemen Women’s Activist Denied Egypt Access
Political work of Yemen Women’s Activist and Nobel Laureate has her banned from entering Egypt
New Clashes Between Protesters and Turkey Police
Protesters and Turkey police continue to clash in capital. Protesters attempt to Occupy Turkey’s central Taksim Square as police attempt to block access