Life continues to grind immigrant workers in Jordan into ground like many Arab dictatorships: Abuse of Jordan foreign workers is widespread modern slavery
Middle East articles on Democracy Chronicles
View news about the struggle for democracy in the troubled Middle East where vast cultural change and persistent political violence cry out for democracy. Also see our World Democracy section and our articles on the ongoing Arab Spring.
Women in Arab World Struggle to Gain Their Rights
Arab Spring has brought hope that moderation of harsh laws on women might be possible
Syria Dictatorship Begins Crumbling as Rebels Gain
Assad’s brutal repression of Syria Arab Spring has failed as rebels pressure capital city: Syria dictatorship begins crumbling but looks to hold key regions
Somalia: A Nation That Refused Being Swallowed By Jihadists
When crisis and disaster struck Somalia, radicals mastered exploitation of the people’s hopelessness.These vacuums cultivate Somalian destructive forces
Protests Continue in Bahrain Capital Against Dictatorship
Bahrain continues to see protests calling for democracy as minority government weakens: Protests Continue in Bahrain built strength over recent weeks
Arab Spring Democracies Struggle With Dictatorship’s Leftovers
Violence and persistent divisiveness in Arab Spring democracies threaten to scuttle transition. Democracy must come from negotiation and compromise
Egypt Approaches Referendum With High Polarization
Egypt’s democracy transition is having a difficult time building any unity in Arab giant
Disputed Egypt Referendum to Test Fragile Democracy
Democracy to be tested by disputed Egypt referendum that could lead to further instability: Egypt democracy stands at crossroads with young election system
Russia Acknowledges Coming Syria Dictatorship Collapse
Coming Syria dictatorship collapse imminent as ally Russia begins to prepare for victory of rebels
Opposition in Syria Gains Democratic World Recognition
War turning against dictatorship as rebel opposition in Syria gains democratic world recognition: Syria dictatorship on last legs as rebel fighters close in