Legal System Inadequate to Find Justice in Largest Arab Nation Amid Protests Over Mubarak Trial
Middle East articles on Democracy Chronicles
View news about the struggle for democracy in the troubled Middle East where vast cultural change and persistent political violence cry out for democracy. Also see our World Democracy section and our articles on the ongoing Arab Spring.
Russians Considering Assad Leaving Power in Syria
Russians Considering Assad Leaving Power Amid Massacres, Increasing Violence, Democratic Pressure
Iraqi Political Leaders Increase Calls For PM’s Ouster
Shiite Iraqi Political Leaders and Sunni Party Calling For New PM as Kurdish Decision Awaited
Dozens Killed in Iraq Bombing as Government Bickers
The Iraq Bombing as Government Bickers Shows How Dozens Killed During Political Groups Call For Ouster of PM Maliki
Violence Rages as Democratic World Mulls Syria Response
Houla Massacre Brings Syria Conflict Into New Highly Dangerous Phase as World Mulls Syria Response
Egyptians Continue Angry Protests Over Mubarak Trial
Acquittal of Major Security Heads Bring Protests Over Mubarak Trial to Newly Free Egyptian People
Mubarak Sentenced to Life in Prison For Murder
Dictatorship’s Downfall Signals End of an Era in the Arab World as Mubarak Sentenced
Syria Fighting Rages as Russia Continues Support For Dictatorship
Democratic World Mulls Next Steps as Violence Continues to Escalate in Desperate Syria and Russia Continues Support For Dictatorship of Assad
Egypt’s State of Emergency Comes to an End!!
Decades of Egypt’s State of Emergency That Was Widely Hated Tool of Mubarak’s Dictatorship Ends
Democratic Reforms Proceed Slowly in Saudi Arabia
Reformers Seek Arab Spring in Oil Dictatorship as Revolutions Take Down Allies But Reforms Proceed Slowly in Saudi Arabia’s powerful dictatorship