Chronic instability and endless poor governance have for too long been the bane of Lebanese youth
Middle East articles on Democracy Chronicles
View news about the struggle for democracy in the troubled Middle East where vast cultural change and persistent political violence cry out for democracy. Also see our World Democracy section and our articles on the ongoing Arab Spring.
The Unexpected Rise of Middle Eastern Comic Books
Observers are taken by surprise by the seemingly unstoppable rise of Middle Eastern comic books
Jordanian Journalists Fear Security Law is Fresh Crackdown
Fear that a new law against terrorism is really designed as weapon against Jordanian journalists
On Syria and the Mediterranean Crisis
The unrest sparked by the Arab Spring, particularly within the conflict Syria, has fed a migrant crisis that has seen thousands die crossing the Mediterranean Sea in an attempt to reach Southern Europe.
Lebanese Protests Target Failing Political System
Deteriorating services just one aspect of failure of politics leading to massive Lebanese protests
Contentious November Election Set by Turkey’s Erdogan
Destabilized Turkey’s Erdogan calls snap election to redraw government after major turn in policy
Iraqi Reforms Against Corruption or Back To Dictatorship?
Iraq has been a hotbed of corruption throughout the political sector and feeding into other sectors of the government like the police force, accused of charging produce truck drivers who are entering Iraq $1,500.
Iraqi Corruption is a Cancer Without Known Cure
Amid endless conflict and turmoil, there is only a fragile hope for any fix to Iraqi corruption
Saudi Women Register To Vote, Kind of
Nominal advance for fraudulent election system as Saudi women register for rigged voting contests
Watching the Battle of Iran Nuclear Lobbyists in Congress
Foreign policy meets Citizens United as nuclear lobbyists press both sides of Iran deal controversy