There’s been emphasis on single-winner voting-systems because the 1787 Constitution’s requirements, make a joke of any attempt at national equal-representation.
Proportional Representation articles on DC
Proportional representation is a concept in voting systems that means that the number of seats won by a party or group of candidates is proportionate to the number of votes received. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on the Electoral College.
Support Builds For Portland Single Transferable Vote Initiative
Portland, Oregon voters will decide whether to pass an initiative for single transferable voting, a form of proportional representation.
The Conservative Case For Proportional Representation
Washington Post columnist Henry Olsen calls on Congress to find a bipartisan accord to abolish gerrymandering, offering three options.
Congressional Bill for Proportional Representation Gains No Co-Sponsors
HB 3863 would convert most U.S. House elections to Single Transferable Vote system, and create much larger U.S. House districts.
International Women’s Day and Proportional Representation
Highlighting how women around the world benefit from proportional representation because it encourages women to reach the highest levels of power.
What If Everyday People Ran Los Angeles?
If the crisis in democracy had a capital, it would be Los Angeles. And if democracy is going to be saved, that rescue needs to start in California.
Proportional Representation Countries Have Better Voter Turnout
A new report shows that shows that countries that use proportional representation have higher voter turnout than those that don’t.
How To Reform The Electoral College Correctly
Some see the Electoral College as a key aspect of American democratic stability others not, arguing that it erodes the will of the majority.
The Completely Useless and Undemocratic US Senate
The Senate “has become an obstructive and useless body, a menace to…liberties…, and an obstacle to social growth”, Victor Berger (1911).
How Many Californians Is Your Vote Worth?
If you live in California, you might be outraged that an 18th-century system designed to defend slave owners has devalued your vote.