Two more states could add their voices to array of National Popular Vote plans to overturn Electoral College
Proportional Representation articles on DC
Proportional representation is a concept in voting systems that means that the number of seats won by a party or group of candidates is proportionate to the number of votes received. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on the Electoral College.
How Presidential Election Recounts Work
The rules behind Presidential election recounts vary from state to state and are overseen federally
Texas Presidential Elector Resigns Instead of Voting Trump
Republicans now get the chance to replace dissatisfied Texas Presidential Elector Art Sisneros
VIDEO: The Electoral College Threat to Democracy
about the history of the electoral college and the possibility of electors changing the outcome
Democrats Hoping Filibuster Rules Can Contain Trump
Republican domination of Congress is only limited by filibuster rules that they can overrule at anytime
How Vote Recounts Strengthen Our Democracy
Didn’t he say the election was rigged? Yes, Donald Trump did say that, but that was before Election Day, and before, to the shock of America and to the rest of the world, he won the Electoral College
The Focus of Progressives Must Be Democracy Reform
The election results were the product of a dysfunctional democratic system that screams out for repair
Do the Arguments Against Electoral College Hold Up?
Some see Founders argument about balancing power still hold against Electoral College detractors
Trump Reaffirms Support For Switch to National Popular Vote
States that have moved piecemeal to support a National Popular Vote for President still have Trump’s support
A Blueprint To Good Presidential Elections
A presidential election with approval voting would be completely unlike what you’ve seen. Being able to choose as many candidates as you want permits you to always vote your favorite. No matter what.