A successful third party candidate can theoretically upset major parties seeking 270 electoral votes
Proportional Representation articles on DC
Proportional representation is a concept in voting systems that means that the number of seats won by a party or group of candidates is proportionate to the number of votes received. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on the Electoral College.
The Need For a Pakistani Proportional Representation System
Turbulent nature of politics and need to grow sustainability may lead to Pakistani proportional representation
A New Election Method is the Change Our Democracy Needs
Taking advantage of a new election method like instant runoff voting could set our democracy free
Is America’s 229 Year-Old Constitution Outdated?
Many commentators and experts in other internationally proven options find the Constitution outdated
The Logic Behind Our Electoral College System
The intricate dance of American Presidential voting revolves around the controversial electoral college system
The Most Important Political Counties In The Country?
New study lists the most important political counties in the country and offers predictions on winner
Why People Who Abstain From Voting Are in the Majority
So many citizens abstain from voting for President that in most elections they have biggest say
Republican Electoral College Revolt is Deepening
Delegate for the Republican Electoral College indicates he doesn’t plan to vote for Presidential nominee
Minor Parties Do Much Better in Non-Battleground States
Non-battleground states tend to vote for third parties and independents a bit more during Presidential elections
What is a Political Convention and How Does it Work?
The American political convention used to be an event where the Presidential pick was decided but things changed