At the moment, whoever exceeds 270 electoral votes wins the election even if the candidate loses the popular vote
Proportional Representation articles on DC
Proportional representation is a concept in voting systems that means that the number of seats won by a party or group of candidates is proportionate to the number of votes received. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on the Electoral College.
Democratic Party Considers Ending Superdelegate System
A proposal would put an end to the superdelegate system once and for all for the Party’s presidential nomination process
Activists Head to Courts to Undermine the Electoral College
Having failed to generate enough support to abolish the Electoral College through a constitutional amendment
Why a citizenship question on the 2020 census is a bad idea
In December 2017, the Department of Justice formally proposed adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census
VIDEO: Can the American Senate be saved?
Yesterday, an event was held at the nonprofit Brookings Institution discussing the latest book by Ira Shapiro.
Expert claims a new U.S. Constitution is needed
Professor Chris Edelson speaks out on what he calls a “permanent shift to unconstrained presidential power”
Calexit: Latest California Bid to Outflank the Electoral College
Despite the low chances, the desire for California to govern itself is familiar territory
Rural California Counties Still Consider Splitting Off From State
All citizen-led efforts to split or secede one state from the United States have fallen short in modern U.S. history
Basically, Florida by Itself Can End the Electoral College
The election last year was the fifth in which the candidate with the most votes lost the presidency. It’s a dangerous way to run a democracy that depends upon the people’s trust. Florida could help in a big way to put an end to Electoral College malfunctions, but the necessary legislation doesn’t appear to have […]
Parliament Approves Lebanese Proportional Representation Law
Lebanon’s parliament approved an electoral law which will allow legislative elections to be held