African Americans, Caucasian, Asians, Palestinians, people of all ethnicities, backgrounds and ages came out to show support for what has been happening to mostly young black males who have been gunned down by police
Protests articles on Democracy Chronicles
Political protests are a human right, political right and civil liberty to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interest. Today, pro-democracy protests and freedom of speech remain under threat. Also take a look at our articles on the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Turkey, and the Tea Party.
On Black Lives Matter Social Media Expertise
Skillful outreach by Black Lives Matter social media has given a significant boost to the movement
The Rise of the Israeli Black Lives Matter Movement
Influenced by American activists, an Israeli Black Lives Matter protest movement is making waves
South African Students Are Key to Political Change
A history of political activism by South African students is again in limelight ahead of elections
Will Black Lives Matter Voters Show Up For Election?
Concern rises that many of the Black Lives Matter voters will choose to abstain from elections
Hong Kong Student Leaders Convicted of Illegal Assembly
Hong Kong student leaders Joshua Wong and Alex Chow convicted for leading mass democracy protest
The Broader Impact of Zimbabwean Hashtag Activism
Recent explosion in political protest arose from campaign of unusual Zimbabwean hashtag activism
Protesting Rudy Giuliani For-Profit Prisons Connection
A group of around 25 or so demonstrators gathered to protest former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani for his role in profiting from the Corrections Corporation of America
PHOTOS: Philando Castile and Alton Sterling Bastille Day Protest
Demonstrators laid down on the floor of Grand Central for six minutes or the number of times Alton Sterling was shot by Baton Rouge police last week while selling CD’s
Zimbabwean Protests Are Unlike Any That Came Before
Broad based need for change and anticipation of picking a President after Mugabe is driving Zimbabwean protests