Social media was abuzz with commentary and first-person media despite Turkish internet cut
Protests articles on Democracy Chronicles
Political protests are a human right, political right and civil liberty to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interest. Today, pro-democracy protests and freedom of speech remain under threat. Also take a look at our articles on the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Turkey, and the Tea Party.
Civil Rights Movement Music Remembered
The March on Washington Film Festival hold ceremony honoring Civil Rights Movement music
Zimbabwe Protest Leader Arrested Ahead of Strike
Baptist preacher and Zimbabwe protest leader Evan Mawarire has led massive protests against regime
Urban and Rural Age Gap Exacerbating Political Discord
Growing age gap between young cities and aging rural regions has changed the political balance
Zimbabwe Protests Speaking Out Against Mugabe Regime
Nation takes to the streets in massive Zimbabwe protests sparked by poor economic climate
NYC Rally and March for Alton Sterling and Philando Castile
One among a few arrested yesterday at the march to Stop Police Killing at Time Square were thousands engaged in a sit in in solidarity with Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.
Zimbabwe’s #ThisFlag Citizens Protest Movement Erupts
Social media movement launched ThisFlag citizens protest and strike across the country
Missing Zimbabwe Activist Fuels Democracy Protest
Cause of missing Zimbabwe activist Itai Dzamara has inspired young to push for change to Mugabe regime
ActUp Protest of Donald Trump outside Trump Towers
The action began with a march from a block away and as they marched they filled the street in front of Trump Towers. Donald Trump himself had to leave though the side exit to avoid the protestors.
Orlando Solidarity Rally of Healing and Action in NYC
About one hundred plus people took part in the event at Grand Central where the first reading of the names took place and was followed by a march down 42nd Street and across 7th Ave towards Stonewall