The pro-democracy Hong Kong Umbrella Movement is finding China a formidable foe against elections
Protests articles on Democracy Chronicles
Political protests are a human right, political right and civil liberty to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interest. Today, pro-democracy protests and freedom of speech remain under threat. Also take a look at our articles on the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Turkey, and the Tea Party.
Occupy Peace in Kingston, New York With Ralph Nader
Nader held up a flier of the Friends of Peace Pilgrim, Mildred Lisette Norman, who walked all over the country more than once, slept on people’s cots who now has people all over the country supporting her. She was killed by a car that hit her on the highway.
Chinese Protest Banners in Washington DC For Xi Visit
In sign of defiance, Newseum hosts Chinese protest banners and democracy lessons during Xi visit
On the Fourth Occupy Wall Street Anniversary
The Occupy Wall Street Movement isn’t dead afterall. As dusk approached at least 500 people convened at the original birthplace of Occupy Wall Street, Liberty Park, also known as Zuccotti Park.
Lebanon You Stink Protests Return to Streets
Beirut residents frustrated with decline in government services are relaunching You Stink protests
Black Lives Matter Will Not Endorse Presidential Candidate
Supporters of Black Lives Matter will have to look elsewhere for advice to support them in vote
The International Coordination of the Caravana43
When Julio César Guerrero wrote a guest post a while back, I promised you the back story of the months of planning for the Caravana43. I know that many of you have already read much about Ayotzinapa. But now…
Every Four Years: Towards a Transformative Electoral Strategy
The people are the single most important part of the electoral system, not the party elites. But, if we continue to do what we have always done, we will just get more of what we have always gotten.
Guatemalan Spring Wins President’s Resignation
Unprecedented people power movement against corruption wins resignation after a Guatemalan Spring
Mass Protests Seeking Malaysian PM Resignation
Unprecedented people power protests seeking ouster of Malaysian PM Najib Razak enter second day