Large technology companies from Google to Apple have lined up protest move toward web fast lanes with coordinated internet slowdown on Wednesday
Protests articles on Democracy Chronicles
Political protests are a human right, political right and civil liberty to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interest. Today, pro-democracy protests and freedom of speech remain under threat. Also take a look at our articles on the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Turkey, and the Tea Party.
Hong Kong Bankers Debate Democracy Support
Response to Hong Kong protest to determine status as world financial power as bankers debate democracy
Democracy Threatened in Hong Kong?
In contradiction with that desire for a free and fair election the standing committee has announced that “it will decide” who is approved to run for political leadership during the 2017 Hong Kong election angering many in the pro-democracy movement.
Image Gallery Collects Several Years of Democracy Promotion
This political image collection was designed by DC Founder and Editor-in-Chief Adrian Tawfik
The Occupy Central Priority is Political Reform in Hong Kong
Democracy for the people of Hong Kong remains Occupy Central priority amid constant protest
Dozens Arrested as Hong Kong Democracy Protests Erupt
Anger as China refusal to hold city elections launches unprecedented Hong Kong democracy protest
Election Protests in Pakistan Threaten Democratic Process
Protests in Pakistan have continued into their third straight week as marchers follow the cricket star turned political challenger, Imran Khan, who has refused to concede the elections which took place in July 2013.
Anti-Immigration Murrieta Nasties Battle Besos, Not Borders
When anti-immigration Murrieta militants realized we were at the front of the capitol building, they strutted over to cause trouble. The baldie started to yell, shoving a bullhorn right into our faces; at the same time, he would roar, “don’t touch me; don’t touch me.” He was going berserk.
Latest Ferguson Protests Keep Pressure on Local Government
Civil rights leaders at latest Ferguson protest movement respond to outpouring of anger that launched the movement
How Money Politics Fuels Nationwide Police Militarization
Small town police militarization backed by immense lobbying of both political parties