Hundreds of protesters in Hong Kong took to the streets to demand better human rights in China
Protests articles on Democracy Chronicles
Political protests are a human right, political right and civil liberty to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue and defend common interest. Today, pro-democracy protests and freedom of speech remain under threat. Also take a look at our articles on the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Turkey, and the Tea Party.
Environmentalists Push Easing of Thai Protest Restrictions
Thai activists are calling for the government to withdraw orders that place severe curbs on protests
Thousands of Corruption Protesters in Madrid March of Dignity
Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Madrid for a “March of Dignity” to demand better wages
New Voting Systems Can’t Solve the Problems of Democracy
There’s a widespread assumption that if we just tried a little harder or better, everything would improve, and that it’s soon going to happen. I guess it’s human-nature to want to believe that.
4,000 Guinea-Bissau Marchers Seek President’s Resignation
People protested in Guinea-Bissau’s capital calling for President Jose Mario Vaz to step down
The Students Patching Up Venezuelan Anti-Government Protesters
Short of gauze and bandages, Venezuelan medical students patch up anti-government protesters
Video From the Recent March Against Monsanto in NYC
The grassroots New York City March Against Monsanto took place on May 20th in Bryant Park and in concert with protests synchronized by the March Against Monsanto organization across the globe.
How Moscow Home Demolition Plans Are Radicalizing Residents
Moscow plan to demolish at least 5,000 apartment blocks and rehouse around 1 million people
Why Saudi Trump Protesters Didn’t Show Up
There is a very good reason Trump didn’t see “a single hint of a protester” in Saudi Arabia
Politics and Significance of Cameroun’s National Day Celebrations
You may ask yourself as a DC reader why this article is even important. Why should you know these issues about the La République du Cameroun? Well, DC readers are interested in politics.