How can liberal democracies defend themselves against political challenges without undermining their core values?
Racism and Prejudice articles on Democracy Chronicles
Racism is a belief that all members of each race possess abilities specific to that race, so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race. Also check out our section on World Democracy or our more general articles on History.
Why Did Republicans Choose Trump In 2016
Why did Republicans choose Trump in 2016? Why is he the front runner in the Republican primary again this year?
Massive Disenfranchisement and Racial Disparities in 2022 Texas
Data from the March primary shows that just one of the bill’s many provisions caused massive disenfranchisement and major racial disparities.
High New Bar in Voting Lawsuits: Proving Racist Intent
The Supreme Court’s decision to preserve Arizona’s voter restrictions raises the threshold for filing federal Voting Rights Act lawsuits.
South Africa Needs New Thinking For Its Democracy
Claims of racial bias against black pupils at private schools are commonplace in South Africa, also a reminder of the country’s realities.
The Attack On Critical Race Theory & The 1619 Project
The 1619 project may have been highlighted as an example of CRT’s use in journalism, hence the tagline “the 1619 Project is CRT.”
The Wild and Wonderful Joe Manchin
A so-called moderate from the once proudly blue state of West Virginia, Manchin suffers the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune foisted on him.
Podcast: Understanding – And Addressing – Domestic Terrorism
How the United States responds to these threats touches on some of democracy’s most basic tensions. We explore those tensions this week.
Racial burden of voter list maintenance errors
It is important to understand how often registrants did not move, and how often such an error is not corrected by the postcard confirmation process.
Towards the development of a pedagogy for democracy
Mainstream science education generally does not, but should, educate students against fascist views such as racism, sexism, homophobia.