Supreme Court could throw a wrench into Virginia politics with decision expected this month. The State is holding primaries Tuesday.
Redistricting (Gerrymandering) articles on Democracy Chronicles
Redistricting, also known pejoratively as gerrymandering, refers to manipulation of the redrawing of districts to skew results towards a preferred party or candidate. With changes in population over time as cities grow and shrink, representative democracy requires adjusting border lines between electoral areas. For national elections, the U.S. Constitution outlines the need for a ten-year population count by census for national elections. The 50 states often have their own methods of redistricting. Also see our section on American democracy.
Anti-Gerrymandering Group Targets Massachusetts Reforms
In Massachusetts, Take Back Our Republic first wants to register people to vote and hear what they think about gerrymandering.
Supremes Underestimate Today’s Hyperpartisan Gerrymandering
Democrats and Republicans have not been so bitterly divided along partisan lines since Reconstruction or aggressively hostile to each other.
Government Racing To Include Geospatial Data In The 2020 Census
Across the nation, officials overseeing geospatial information systems are looking to digital-mapping data to make their elections more efficient and fair.
Washington Becomes First State To End Prison Gerrymandering
Washington State Governor Jay Inslee signed a bill into law ensuring that people in state prisons will be counted as residents of their home addresses .
Offering a New Approach to Ending Gerrymandering
New report by researchers at the Center for American Progress proposes that states purposefully account for voter preferences when drawing districts.
Lower Courts Lobbying SCOTUS To Rein In Partisan Gerrymandering
U.S. Supreme Court will finally decide whether federal judiciary can rein partisan gerrymanders, the lower courts aren’t waiting for the justices’ approval.
Court Considering Federal Oversight Of Texas Redistricting
Back in the federal court house where most of eight year-long case has played out, fight over forcing Texas back under federal oversight of its map making.
Federal Judges Declare Ohio Congressional Map Unconstitutional
A unanimous panel of federal judges declared Ohio’s Republican-drawn congressional map unconstitutional, adding to a growing number of similar cases.
Virginia Governor Vetoes Redistricting and Board of Elections Changes
Gov. Ralph Northam rejects a bill that would have expanded the state Board of Elections and handed the body power to appoint the state’s elections chief.