An emerging consensus of the twenty-seven Michigan state house, state senate, and congressional districts about unconstitutional partisan gerrymanders.
Redistricting (Gerrymandering) articles on Democracy Chronicles
Redistricting, also known pejoratively as gerrymandering, refers to manipulation of the redrawing of districts to skew results towards a preferred party or candidate. With changes in population over time as cities grow and shrink, representative democracy requires adjusting border lines between electoral areas. For national elections, the U.S. Constitution outlines the need for a ten-year population count by census for national elections. The 50 states often have their own methods of redistricting. Also see our section on American democracy.
Judges: Michigan Must Redraw Congressional, Legislative Maps
Michigan must redraw dozens of districts for the 2020 election because Republicans configured them to guarantee their political dominance.
Podcast: E.J. Dionne on Making America Empathetic Again
E.J. Dionne has the unique perspective of studying the horse race and the big picture of American politics. I talked with him about the relationship between partisan politics and democracy.
Partisan Gerrymandering To Get Much Worse If Supreme Court Balks
What will happen in the 2020 redistricting cycle if the Supreme Court follows the advice of the defendants in the Maryland and North Carolina cases?
Federal Court Says Mississippi Must Redraw Senate District
Federal appeals court told Mississippi lawmakers to redraw a state Senate district where a judge found that black residents’ voting power had been diluted.
New California Independent Redistricting System Will Help Republicans
California government auditors will begin accepting applications in June from citizens willing to help redraw state’s congressional and legislative maps.
Supreme Court Fight Against Partisan Gerrymandering Gathering Pace
Fight against partisan gerrymandering in Supreme court of North Carolina’s 2016 congressional districting map and Maryland’s 2011 congressional map.
Federal Trial Over Prison Gerrymandering May Have National Impact
NAACP won ruling that allows their federal lawsuit challenging State of Connecticut’s discriminatory practice known as “prison gerrymandering” to proceed.
The Best Chance to End North Carolina Gerrymandering in a Decade?
In a bill introduced by bipartisan groups, it was discovered that ending gerrymandering in N.Carolina in at least another decade might be now.
State Election Officials Interested, But Slow to Adopt Geospatial Data
A publication by NSGIC shows that most voter registration systems and precinct boundaries have a long way to go before they can be supported by map data.