Their maps are among a half-dozen proposals that have been submitted to a court panel that is likely to draw Minnesota’s political maps.
Redistricting (Gerrymandering) articles on Democracy Chronicles
Redistricting, also known pejoratively as gerrymandering, refers to manipulation of the redrawing of districts to skew results towards a preferred party or candidate. With changes in population over time as cities grow and shrink, representative democracy requires adjusting border lines between electoral areas. For national elections, the U.S. Constitution outlines the need for a ten-year population count by census for national elections. The 50 states often have their own methods of redistricting. Also see our section on American democracy.
New Voting Maps, And A New Day, For Virginia
Following a Supreme Court decision to ratify new voting maps in Virginia the incumbent-protection scheme or redistricting has ended.
Arizona Redistricting: Democrats’ Grand Canyon Calamity
Arizona’s independent redistricting commission passed a new congressional map that could help flip two Democratic-held seats to the GOP.
Michigan’s Maps, Independently Drawn, Set Up Fair Fight
Michigan’s political map, which was formerly one of the most gerrymandered in the country, has been replaced by one of the most fair.
Oklahoma Redistricting: Sooner Shutout
Republicans in Oklahoma’s legislature are using redistricting to prevent a repeat of the 2018 midterms upset favorable to Democrats.
Surprisingly, There Has Been A Redistricting Turnaround
Republicans control redistricting processes while in many Democratic States redistricting is done by independent commissions.
Michigan Newspapers Sue For Access To Redistricting Memos
News outlets are requesting the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission reveal records they believe should be public.
Justice Department Sues Texas Over New Redistricting Maps
The DOJ sued Texas on Monday over its new voter card, saying the plans discriminate against minority voters, especially Latinos.
Gerrymandering May Make Elections Far Less Competitive
Gerrymandering has become a partisan death match as lawmakers from both parties seek political benefits in numerous areas.
New Maps Spark Debate Over Majority-Minority Districts
Because Black favor Democrats, Republicans have been pleased to construct districts with substantial percentages of Black voters.