After years of fighting for change, effort to restore voting rights of thousands of Louisiana’s convicted felons will officially go into effect next week.
American State Elections articles on Democracy Chronicles
American state elections are known as the laboratories of the democracy. State legislatures, governors, judges and many other positions are determined by election depending on state laws. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on American State Elections.
Recently Passed NY Election Laws Prompt New Problems
Recently passed NY election laws this year could cost $45 million statewide to implement and there’s no extra funding in the proposed budget to cover it.
Effort Underway in Oregon to Lower Voting Age to 16
Portland-based Democratic state Sen. Shemia Fagan introduced a measure Monday to make Oregon the first state in the nation to change voting age .
The Best Chance to End North Carolina Gerrymandering in a Decade?
In a bill introduced by bipartisan groups, it was discovered that ending gerrymandering in N.Carolina in at least another decade might be now.
West Virginia Wants to Use Mobile App For Overseas Voters Again
West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner says he’s hoping to offer mobile voting for military and overseas voters again in the 2020 elections.
North Carolina Election Marred by Voter Fraud Scheme
An investigation into a disputed 2018 congressional election has uncovered a “coordinated, unlawful and substantially resourced absentee ballot scheme”.
Texas Secretary of State Apologizes For Flawed Noncitizen Voter Claims
Texas’ election chief apologizes for releasing a botched list of nearly 100,000 voters whose citizenship was called into question before being fully vetted.
Republicans and ACLU Join Forces To Enfranchise Tennessee Felons
Two Republican lawmakers, with the backing of the ACLU, are setting out to make it simpler for people with felony convictions to regain their right to vote.
New Hampshire Legislature May Still Pass Ranked Choice Voting Bill
A change to ranked voting and away from the universally used plurality voting system is being considered now in New Hampshire.
Wisconsin is the National Poster Child for Dark Money Corruption
Wisconsin is the national poster child for dark money corruption though with transparency in campaign spending is overwhelmingly popular.