Dominion Voting Systems has demanded that one of Trump campaign lawyers, Sidney Powell, should retract her bogus claims about the 2020 election.
Voting Technology articles on Democracy Chronicles
This voting technology section highlights the important role technology has played in democratic history and seeks to explore how technology will shape the future of elections. This new era of elections is an area of heavy debate in political circles. Be sure to also check out our Election Technology section and our articles on Technology Dissidents, the Internet and Voting or Voting Machines.
Twitter now alerts Trump that Biden is president
Twitter has now updated a label placed on misleading claims spread by Trump and others around the election. It declares Joe Biden to have won the election.
Online Harassment New Frontline for Journalists, Report Says
Online harassment is the new frontline for journalists’ safety, with female journalists disproportionately confronted, newly published report.
How to save democracy from technology
Digital platforms’ concentrated financial and political control is like a stacked weapon sitting on a table, open indeed to ill-intentioned people.
Microsoft warns Russia, China and Iran targeting US election
Cyberattacks on elections are still a major concern. Microsoft is warning that it is seeing an increase in such attacts on its customers.
The damage deep-fakes inflict on democracy
Deep-fakes have changed the global information landscape, requiring more caution in how we treat information. They also inflict damage on democracy.
Election officials prepare for new Russian interference battle
Russia interfered in the 2016 elections and there have been concerns it might do so again. Election officials are preparing for new Russian interference battle.
Fixing America’s Aging Election Technology
America’s voting technology is fast aging. There is a need to address this concern ahead of November elections if the polls will be successful.
State voter registration systems have not been hacked, officials say
A viral Russian newspaper article prompted concerns over hacked voter registration systems. However, officials have said this hasn’t happened.
The new challenge for state election officials? How much hand sanitizer is enough
Among the many issues for successful upcoming polls is the question of how much hand sanitiser will be enough for each polling place.