Election server central to a legal battle over the integrity of Georgia elections showed signs that the original server was hacked.
Voting Technology articles on Democracy Chronicles
This voting technology section highlights the important role technology has played in democratic history and seeks to explore how technology will shape the future of elections. This new era of elections is an area of heavy debate in political circles. Be sure to also check out our Election Technology section and our articles on Technology Dissidents, the Internet and Voting or Voting Machines.
Voting process at risk with nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems online
While voting machines themselves are not designed to be online, the larger voting systems in many states end up there, putting the voting process at risk.
Voters are the reason new “secure” voting machines are still at risk
A major study shows that people rarely notice if their vote gets changed by hackers—even when using technology meant to protect the ballot, MIT.
Lessons from Michigan: updating election equipment, thorny challenge for States
Lessons from Michigan show the extent to which updating election equipment remains a thorny challenge for States ahead of 2020.
Report: improvement needed in States for national GIS infrastructure to work
While no state is failing when it comes to GIS, the progress is spotty and there is an urgent need for all states to improve, NSGIC
How news coverage gets geo-fragmented
National news outlets provide different push notifications at different times to local and national audiences.
Preparing for Cyberattacks and Malfunctions, a Brennan Center Guide
Brennan Center for Justice has released a guide for election officials about how to prepare for and recover from cyberattacks and technical failures.
Election security, ransomware dominate cyber concerns for 2020
Headed into 2020, with a presidential election on the horizon, cyber concerns are certain to be in the spotlight in Washington.
Florida Officials Want to Use High-Speed Audits for Vote Recounts
For recounting votes, several county supervisors of elections want to use their high-speed ballot auditing systems.
Voting by App is a Thing, and it’s Spreading
You might be a little surprised to hear that some voters in parts of the country are voting from home, using an app.