Hackers have infiltrate related to U.S. elections more than 700 times in the past year, Microsoft Corp sees potential meddling in upcoming races.
Voting Technology articles on Democracy Chronicles
This voting technology section highlights the important role technology has played in democratic history and seeks to explore how technology will shape the future of elections. This new era of elections is an area of heavy debate in political circles. Be sure to also check out our Election Technology section and our articles on Technology Dissidents, the Internet and Voting or Voting Machines.
Senate Passes Bill Making Hacking Voting Systems A Federal Crime
The Senate passed legislation on Wednesday night that would make it a federal crime to hack into any voting systems used in a federal election.
Microsoft Giving Free Electionguard Software To Election Machine Suppliers
We are demonstrating the first voting system running Microsoft Election Guard as an example of how Election Guard can enable a new era of secure.
Ensuring Ballot Secrecy In The Age Of Remote Voting
Human-rights declarations and various legal instruments state that elections must be conducted by secret ballot, but silent about precisely what that means.
Election Systems Across Country Use Software Vulnerable To Hackers
The state was taking a step to keep elections from being hacked in 2020. Its top election official told counties they had to update their systems.
Judge Allows Outside Inspection Of Georgia Voting System
Insides Georgia’s voting system will be cracked open for inspection as part of a lawsuit alleging that the state’s elections are vulnerable to inaccuracies.
Iowa, Nevada To Launch Caucus Voting By Phone For 2020
Democrats in the early presidential contest states of Iowa and Nevada will be able to cast their votes over the telephone instead of showing up.
No E-Vote Option Available For The Swiss Parliamentary Election
Swiss Post has suspended e-voting system effectively spelling the end of online trials with the current technology for the October parliamentary elections.
Caltech Releases First-Of-A-Kind Local Election Integrity Report
Caltech has released its report, Assuring Election Integrity: A Comprehensive Ecological Framework for Evaluating Elections in Southern California.
Rush To Implement New Montana Election Software Raises Concerns
County elections officials express “grave concerns” over Corey Stapleton’s plan to implement a new statewide election system in time for the 2020 elections.