The Department of Homeland Security’s top cyber official will ensure election officials uses basic cybersecurity techniques for 2020 presidential election.
Voting Technology articles on Democracy Chronicles
This voting technology section highlights the important role technology has played in democratic history and seeks to explore how technology will shape the future of elections. This new era of elections is an area of heavy debate in political circles. Be sure to also check out our Election Technology section and our articles on Technology Dissidents, the Internet and Voting or Voting Machines.
DARPA Is Building an Open Source Voting Machine
DARPA is working with firm Galois to develop open source voting machine technology that would let people verify that their votes were tallied correctly.
Top US House Intel Lawmaker: 2020 Election ‘Enormously Vulnerable’
Top U.S. House intel lawmaker, Adam Schiff said on Tuesday that 2020 elections are “enormously vulnerable” to hacking and foreign influence.
Georgia Voting Machine Debate Pits Election Officials vs. Tech Experts
Georgia voting machine debate pits election officials staunchly opposed by computing experts who see an imminent threat to election security.
Questions Raised About Facebook and Twitter Use of TurboVote
In 2018, Facebook and Twitter decided to play a role in helping people register to vote in what promised to be a momentous midterm election.
Hackers Uncover ‘Significant’ Flaw in Swiss Post e-Voting
Hackers uncover significant flaw in Swiss Post e-voting and reported it to Swiss authorities as part of public intrusion test which has been resolved.
A Look at the New Denver Blockchain Voting Plan
The city of Denver will allow thousands of voters to cast their ballots with a smartphone application this year using a blockchain-based app called Voatz.
Paper Ballots Popular Again as Must Have Requirement for a Fair Vote
An old technology is new again, as paper ballots are making a big comeback thanks to fears about Russia — and others — hacking U.S. elections.
Using the Blockchain Ecosystem To Fight Against Authoritarianism
Asia Pacific Conservative Union (APCU) has launched the Liberty Ecosystem, a block chain based network designed to fight authoritarianism.
4 New Tools to Use for Data in World Democracy Visualizations
V-Dem Institute is releasing four new tools, making it possible to create even more comprehensive and nuanced charts for both beginners and advanced users.