In the past decade, the largest manufacturer of voting machines in the country, has routinely wined and dined a select group of Georgia lawmakers.
Voting Technology articles on Democracy Chronicles
This voting technology section highlights the important role technology has played in democratic history and seeks to explore how technology will shape the future of elections. This new era of elections is an area of heavy debate in political circles. Be sure to also check out our Election Technology section and our articles on Technology Dissidents, the Internet and Voting or Voting Machines.
A New App for Political Dissidents Under Authoritarian Rule
A new academic paper from University of California, Santa Barbara is quite unique in that the product is a mobile app for political dissidents.
Technology Near for Real-Time TV Political Fact Checks
A Duke University team expects to have a product available for election year that will allow television networks to offer real-time fact checks on screen.
K-Voting – South Korea’s New Attempt at Blockchain Voting
The National Election Commission started an online voting system called “K-Voting” built on blockchain to have an ever-growing impact on our everyday lives.
Total Zimbabwe Internet Shutdown Amid Violent Crackdown
Zimbabwe on Friday faced “total internet shutdown,” after a days-long violent crackdown on people protesting a dramatic fuel price increase.
Facebook Shuts Hundreds of Russia-Linked Pages and Accounts
Facebook shuts hundreds of Russia-linked pages, and accounts that it says were part of two big disinformation operations, in its effort to fight fake news.
Rhode Island Tests Vote Audits as Way to Verify Election Results
Rhode Island good on its promise to road-test risk-limiting election audits, following 2017 passage of legislation by the Rhode Island General Assembly.
City Scrambles to Get New Philadelphia Voting Machines
Philadelphia is on a crash program to get new voting machines installed this year to dispel worries about hacking during the 2020 presidential election.
Facebook to Invest $300 Million in Local News Social Media Initiative
Facebook says it is investing $300 million over the next three years in local news programs, partnerships and other initiatives.
Explore Approval Voting at the New Center for Election Science Website
We hope the new website will help to usher in this new age of voting method reform, serving to engage supporters and spark passion for the cause.