Reid Hoffman and Peter Thiel talk recent elections, inequality, dictatorships, AI, cryptocurrencies, monopolies and antitrust
Voting Technology articles on Democracy Chronicles
This voting technology section highlights the important role technology has played in democratic history and seeks to explore how technology will shape the future of elections. This new era of elections is an area of heavy debate in political circles. Be sure to also check out our Election Technology section and our articles on Technology Dissidents, the Internet and Voting or Voting Machines.
Mexico’s official and incredibly user-unfriendly mobile voting app
Who makes it onto the ballot may have less to do with popularity than with Mexico’s mobile voting app
Why don’t STEM majors vote as much as others?
A growing body of research indicates there might also be a need to get more STEM majors to go to the polls
How weak democratic institutions led to an out-of-control Internet
Companies that should have been the subject of government scrutiny instead self-regulated
How to predict corruption using artificial intelligence
The computer model was designed to predict which Spanish provinces will have a greater propensity for future corruption
The Blockchain Voting Startups Designing Our Future Elections
Many startup companies are trying to develop election technologies today. Among the newest and most exciting of the next generation of technologies is known as blockchain voting, the same technology behind the digital currency Bitcoin.
A fight over using paper ballots consumes Georgia election
Unverified vote counting has become a big political issue in the ongoing race for governor and a war of words has ignited
Internet Access is Booming in World’s Poorest Countries
Hundreds of millions of people in the world’s poorest countries now have access to the Internet and mobile devices
Kansas exposes citizens private info in latest voter fraud fiasco
Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s office released the data as part of program that looks for double voter registrations
Are Facebook and social media good for democracy?
Facebook warned on Monday that it could offer no assurance that social media was on balance good for democracy