Third party candidates are picking up notable wins across the country as Green Party candidate to run for office in Ohio next despite normal challenges
Third Party archive on Democracy Chronicles
The third party archive is about seeking to end America's two-party system. Libertarian, Green and independent candidates will be highlighted. Also see our entire section on third parties called Third Party Central where you can find information on every small party in the country.
Socialist Party Seeks to Repeat Election Success in U.S.
Socialist Party Seeks Support: Socialist Mayor of Seattle shows major parties fraying at edges
Worldwide Poll: What is Your Political Philosophy
This is a worldwide poll on general categories of political parties. Residents of all countries are invited to vote. Including a party-category here certainly does not imply approval, endorsement or condoning of it.
Two Independent Candidates for Massachusetts Governor
Governor’s race opens up with entry of two Independent Candidates for Massachusetts
Will Socialist Bernie Sanders Run for President?
Vermont’s Senator Bernie Sanders Run for President Could Upend Political Balance
Libertarian Party Win Historic Number of Local Elections
Insurgent Libertarian Party win historic local elections across nation as shown in extensive graph
IRV Mayoral Election Will Restore Your Faith in Democracy
Mechanism of instant-runoff voting method (IRV) enabled the people of Minneapolis proper mayoral election and can restore your faith in democracy
Seattle Socialist Candidate Could Win Election
Success of Seattle Socialist candidate running to be a city council member would mark big victory for party with little power outside Vermont homebase
Philadelphia Whig Party Candidate Wins Local Election
Over 157 years since party last won election but Philadelphia Whig Party candidate changed that
Libertarian Wins 6% in Virginia Governor’s Election
What impact did Rob Sarvis candidacy have on the Virginia Governor election where Libertarian Wins 6% for nomination