Libertarian candidate for Virginia governor is polling at 10% following Gary Johnson endorsement
Third Party archive on Democracy Chronicles
The third party archive is about seeking to end America's two-party system. Libertarian, Green and independent candidates will be highlighted. Also see our entire section on third parties called Third Party Central where you can find information on every small party in the country.
New Poll: Choose Between 30 Political Party Platforms
A new thirty-party poll on American political party platforms has recently been started at the Condorcet Internet Voting Service.
Local Syracuse Green Party Fights for Debate Access
Upstate New York’s growing Syracuse Green Party battle for opportunity to debate Republocrat mayor
No Third Party on Georgia Ballots Since 1943
No party other than the Republicans and the Democracts have been on any state ballot since at least World War Two.
New York Working Families Party’s Charter School Fight
Growing in significance in New York of Working Families Party’s charter school argument in backlash
VIDEO: Should Party be Identified on Ballots?
County proposes completely removing requirement that party be identified on ballot information
Libertarians and Income Inequality
Rise of both libertarians and income inequality grows into major force in GOP economic policies
New Congress Party – The New Third Party!
New Congress Party begins with two dozen demands supported by numerous online references for an immediate restructuring of government
Are Republicans Increasingly Libertarian?
Policies over small government and protest movement has changed attitudes inside as Republicans increasingly Libertarian in prescription for America
Voting Strategy and Classification of Progressive Parties
An obvious and probably much better voting strategy for progressives and liberals within the inadequate current system of plurality elections