Politicians getting to run unopposed in New Jersey has become all too common in state and beyond
Third Party archive on Democracy Chronicles
The third party archive is about seeking to end America's two-party system. Libertarian, Green and independent candidates will be highlighted. Also see our entire section on third parties called Third Party Central where you can find information on every small party in the country.
Libertarian Party Wins Virginia Ballot Access Suit
American Libertarian Party continues to notch up impressive legal wins including a recent Virginia ballot access complaint
Libertarian Politician Arrested at Pot Rally
New Jersey Senate candidate and Libertarian politician arrested but holds true to his small government libertarian principals through protest
Should NJ Voters be Allowed to Register Socialist?
Do you think that voters should be allowed to register Socialist Party? Give your view on new laws
Libertarians in Court Over Michigan Ballot Access
Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson still fighting Michigan ballot access battles
California Bill Threatens Third Party Candidates
Only Democrat and Republican candidates are safe as new bill threatens third party candidates
Libertarian Senate Candidate Publicly Smokes Pot
New Jersey Libertarian candidate publicly smokes pot in public park in protest before his arrest
Why Progressives Might Shun Democratic Party
Author asks why progressive Americans still are voting for and should instead shun Democratic Party
Detroit Socialist Candidate in Mayoral Election
Hard struck, union heavy city finds Detroit socialist candidate running popular push for mayor
Can Libertarians Win Over Republicans?
Small government Libertarians win over Republicans with call to reform GOP statist social policies