In honor of Thomas Paine’s 283rd birthday today, I am proud to announce a new collection I have put together to showcase some of my favorite artistic creations that highlight the founding father. This meme collection is free for you to spread around!
Thomas Paine articles on Democracy Chronicles
Born in 1737 England, Thomas Paine was perhaps the most important advocate for democracy in history and saw worldwide democracy as his ultimate goal. He fought with George Washington in the American Revolution while advocating for the end of slavery, the empowerment of women and diplomacy with Native American tribes. As the leading voice for democracy in the French Revolution, he stood alone calling for the end of the death penalty before the revolution devolved into the Reign of Terror, only barely escaping execution by guillotine himself. Contemporary poet Joel Barlow said, "Without the pen of Thomas Paine, the sword of Washington would have been raised in vain". Also see our articles on the Founding Fathers.
Florida Veterans for Common Sense Set 2019 Tom Paine Birthday Event
Florida Veterans for Common Sense will honor American Patriot Thomas Paine at our annual Paine birthday celebration dinner and award winner Desmond Meade.
California’s Thomas Paine Society Preps its 2019 Paine Birthday Party
History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it myself,” then penned the four-volume A History of the English-Speaking Peoples.
How Religion Wrecks Democracy and Our Justice System
Religion is the foundation of our legal, political and electoral system still. Would you choose to download software built with 2,000 year-old logic onto your computer or fly on a plane built according to first century aeronautics?
Celebrating Thomas Paine’s Birthday – Do You Know Paine?
A dedicated cult following is still actively engaged with the legacy of the amazing pro-democracy revolutionary Thomas Paine
A Modern Look at Thomas Paine’s Monetary Policy
Although known for other political philosophies, Founding Father Thomas Paine’s monetary policy gets less attention
Does The Next President Matter?
We are faced with a serious crisis as the rhetoric gets worse and political parties seem irrelevant. You and I need to understand the power that we have—each of us as individuals and as a community.
Celebrating Paine Day: Thomas Paine’s Birthday
Paine Day needs to be a national holiday to celebrate the international impact of founding father
Politicians Clash on How to Teach History in Public School
How should we teach history in public school when so many different opinions exist, even locally?
20 4th Of July Quotes About American Democracy
Twenty 4th Of July quotes that reflect on meaning of democracy in country celebrating 238 years of independence from the UK