A North Carolina court ruled that courts don’t have the ability to determine if a political map is legal, giving legislators a free pass.
Voter Suppression articles on Democracy Chronicles
Voter suppression is an illegal strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on Voter Turnout and Voter Access.
Setbacks Dog Push To Tighten College Campus Voting Laws
Party officials nationwide are increasing voting barriers for young, mostly Democratic voters, following their surging turnout.
New Congressional Maps Dilute Black Power, Critics Say
In Alabama, Florida and Louisiana, new congressional maps that some judges have ruled dilute the voting power of black voters.
Can American Democracy Have Nice Things?
Universal voting would be the surest way to protect against voter suppression and the active disenfranchisement of a large share of our citizens.
Texas Law Prevents Thousands of Voters From Casting Ballots
The Texas primary earlier this month displayed the disastrous effects of Texas’ egregious and un-American restrictive voting law.
Florida Senate Passes Bill To Create Election Crimes Agency
Despite extremely rare voter crime or fraud, the law would make Florida one of the first states to create a task force dedicated to them.
Analysis Of The “Independent State Legislature Doctrine”
If the GOP onslaught against voting rights succeeds, state politicians will have little checks on their authority to dictate election rules.
Arizona Republican Party Seeks End To Early Voting In State
The Arizona Republican Party is attempting to eliminate early voting in the state, which is favoured by more than 80% of state citizens.
Texas Throws Out Thousands Of Ballots Under New Laws
The [Texas anti-voter law] is accomplishing its goal of making it more difficult for voters to vote and access the ballot box.
Advocates Struggle To Overcome New Texas Voting Barriers
A key advocate warns that Texas’s new voting law introduces an “intimidation factor” that could turn some off from voting at all.