Our campaign does not accept any PAC, Super-PAC, or corporate contributions. The Green Party itself does not accept any corporate contributions.
Voter Suppression articles on Democracy Chronicles
Voter suppression is an illegal strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on Voter Turnout and Voter Access.
Serious Online Voting System Problems Alleged In Georgia
Online voting problems alleged in Georgia, one of the nation’s hottest governor’s races, with Brian Kemp making a hacking allegation against Democrats.
Campaign Deceptively Urges Democrats to Vote for the Green Party
A Facebook page for a group called is running ads online urging progressives to vote for Green Party candidates in seven competitive races in the Midwest.
Latino Vote Suppressed In Multiple Counties In Florida
Election protection volunteers reported multiple voting rights violations including Latino vote suppressed in multiple counties in Florida.
On Vote-Related Problems That Early Voting Has Revealed
Early voting ahead of midterms reveals vote related problems like, rejected voter registrations, malfunctioning voting machines and voter confusion.
ICE Says It Won’t Patrol Polling Places, Dispelling Rumors
ICE will not patrol polling locations on Election Day, said a spokesworman in response to social media rumors of potential voter intimidation from agency.
Judge Grants Emergency Relief to Purged Georgia Voters
Common Cause celebrates US District Court for Northern District of Georgia granting emergency relief to Georgia voters ensuring access to ballot in midterm.
Twitter Deletes 10K Accounts That Sought To Discourage US Voting
Twitter deletes 10k accounts posting messages that discouraged people from voting in Tuesday’s U.S. election and wrongly appeared to be from Democrats.
Democracy Is Gradually Moving Into The Ballots
The 2018 midterm is facing voter suppression issues. A key concern is felon voting. However, legislation may become felon-voting friendly this time around.
Voters In Georgia Sue State So That They Can Cast Their Ballots
Voters in Georgia sue Secretary of State Brian Kemp to fight his exact match rule which is keeping away thousands of eligible voters from the ballot.